Florida Performance-Based Remediation Contract
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station & Patrick Air Force Base, FL
CLIENT: USACE Mobile District, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, 45th Space Wing
CONTRACT: CORE Teaming Partner to HydroGeoLogic, Inc Prime Contract
VALUE: $16,680,368
- Conducted remedial investigations at 57 individual sites to define the nature and extent of site contamination.
- Obtained Site Closure at 39 sites - progressed sites with petroleum, RCRA, TSCA, DNAPL concerns from assessment to investigation to implementing final remedy to obtaining MOD-NFA/SRCO closeout documentation.
- 12 Optimized Exit Strategy (OES) sites: performed long-term groundwater monitoring at petroleum and VOC sites.
- Prepared 14 OES Implementation Plans & OES Effectiveness Reports.
- 3 O&M sites: performed O&M on plume treatment systems, including work plans, reports, and optimize monitoring and management requirements to reduce long-term liabilities for the USAF.
- Prepared and received USACE, AFCEC, and FDEP approval for over 700 corrective action process documents including UFP-QAPP Work Plans, Reports, Statement of Basis, LUC, OES, and Site Closure documents.
- Optimized Long-term Groundwater Monitoring & LUC requirements resulting in 40% cost savings ultimately reducing Air Force’s long-term financial liabilities.
- Evaluated emerging contaminants PFOS/PFOA, 1,4-dioxane, and dioxin/furans,